What’s Your Footprint?
With each step we take we also leave an impression on the spot we moved from. What kind of footprints do you leave behind? As you take each step be aware of the impact that step makes on the people, the community and the world around you. Everything is cause and effect and I invite you to consider what effect you are causing.
When you leave the room, what do people say about you?
When you leave this earth, what do you want people to say about you?
You have the power in this moment to thoughtfully choose the steps you take, ever mindful of the footprint you leave behind.
You have the power now to make your steps count, for the highest good of yourself and others when you infuse each step with the awareness and intention for the footprint you want to leave behind.
This Monday, January 16th, Frank McKinney is taking steps and leading the way for us to do the same. He begins the first ever “Survival to Thrival Tour” where he is visiting soup kitchens, homeless shelters and food pantries in 16 cities, spending time directly assisting these people and making significant donations to care-giving organizations that catch Americans when they fall. As the amazing leader that he is, Frank has created an opportunity for US to take a step and support this cause and he’s made it so easy for us! At each of the locations where Frank is stopping, he will give an aspirational talk on how all of us, including the most desperately poor and homeless can move forward from survival to thrival. When you attend, $25 will be donated to the organization for each person that attends! That’s right. 400 people show up and $10,000 gets donated to the organization.
Go now to http://wpnglobal.com/thrival for my personal invitation for you to take a step for a cause that will create a positive effect for Americans across the country.
Now that’s what I call a great footprint!
~ Nancy Matthews
P.S. Here’s the link again — go now! http://wpnglobal.com/thrival