Note: This is NOT a Get Rich Quick Scheme
(You've Heard That Promise Far Too Many Times)
You'll Love Our System
Because It is So Simple to Use...
This IS a time-tested and proven method for creating riches in your life!
You'll see the real stories below of people who brought in tens of thousands of dollars during this 30-day program.

Nancy Matthews is an International Speaker, Best-Selling Author and Global Leader.
Her unique blend of business savvy, creativity and exceptional understanding of human behavior creates stellar results for her clients and engaging presentations for audiences.
Author of Visionaries with Guts, The One Philosophy and the highly acclaimed Receiving Your Riches Course. Nancy has been featured on NBC, BraveheartWomenTV, The John Tesh Radio Network and has shared the stage with some of today’s leading experts such as Jack Canfield, Loral Langemeier, Kevin Harrington, Sharon Lechter and Bob Burg.
Nancy is currently the CEO and Founder of Visions In Action, Inc. (her coaching and consulting firm), and Co-Founder of Women’s Prosperity Network (WPN). To learn more go to and Contact: (800) 928-6928.
Nancy Matthews has been featured on and is a member of the following:

Welcome to "Receiving Your Riches: A Unique Study and Guide Through The Science of Getting Rich
A One of a Kind System Designed to Build Your Rock Solid Foundation for Lifelong Riches In Every Area of Your Life!
It's Time to Unleash Your Power and Finally Enjoy the Riches You Are Meant to Have!
This classic book was written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. After my own personal study of this book and applying the “Science,” I quickly experienced an increase in riches, both in my bank account and my life.
- An inspiration to put an ad on Craig's List for one of my rental properties brought me $30,000 in prepaid rent (and only 1 person answered the ad!)
- 10 acres of land was donated to a non-profit project I was working on for children in Africa
The principle was so simple and pure that I knew I had to share it with others — and to share it in a way that supported them in fully integrating these principles as a way of life so it would put lots of money into their bank accounts!
This IS The Proven Program!
I know that you, like me, have purchased books and courses in the past, started them and then mid-way through put them aside as you chased after the next shiny object that promised to finally be the answer you’ve been looking for. I actually did it with this exact book when it was first given to me in 2002! I can’t believe I did that and am so grateful that it came back into my hands and put extra riches into my bank account and my life! With this program you can now finally:
- Be free from worry, stress and financial hardship
- Receive the riches you are meant to have and be delighted when those riches come from expected and unexpected sources
- Share your gifts and talents with the world and be paid extremely well for it!
It's simple and easy to do this course, here's what these busy professionals had to say:

"I love how you've broken this down into bite sized pieces that make it easy for me to refer to every day."
Debbie Wysocki,

"I read the book by itself in the past but didn't get the big breakthrough and gift that it provides until I did your course. Thank you, Nancy!"
Howard "Lucky" Luckman

"Listening to the audio with your inspiring and soothing voice every morning is like drinking in a delicious cup of tea for my spirit!"
Shirley Connor
A little later I'm going to show you how this system can work for you in as little as 15 minutes a day to bring you more income, more easily than you ever imagined, but right now I'm going to show you where you may be blocking the flow of riches from coming to you.
- What if the answer you’ve been looking for to finally break free from the stress, frustration and overwhelm you’ve been going through can be released, transformed and shifted to feeling calm, peaceful and relaxed?
- What if that last missing piece you’ve been searching for has been sitting right under your nose the whole time?
- What if a minor shift in your approach, your beliefs and a renewed commitment to your purpose brought about the exact adjustment you needed to know and have proof that everything is in right order for your path to be continuously paved with the riches you desire?
Cheri knew she was on the brink of hitting it big and here's what happened for her...

"This has been amazing. We had a deal that had been stuck in the pipeline for months and on day 3 of your course it POPPED! Then, just a few days later, a woman we submitted a proposal to two years ago contacted ME and signed on as a client (and for much more money than the original proposal too!) Thank you, Nancy, this is exactly what I needed and I feel wonderful" ~ Cheri Martin,
Or perhaps you'll have results like Myleen or Catherine ...
After just 4 days I finally got a job!
Catherine Duque
"I had been looking for a job for close to a year when I started the course. On the 4th day I was shocked when I got a call and a job offer from a resume I had sent out 3 months earlier! Thank you Nancy, this course is amazing and so many riches have come into my life since I took it."
We sold our house for a 23% profit in just 2 weeks!
Myleen Obando
"I took the challenge of the 30 day course and it was amazing. Since doing the challenge I have buckled up and am taking a fast ride and embracing what the Universe has to offer for me. My creativity has opened up, I got more business and revenue and had the courage to make a move that I've wanted to make. Not only was I able to sell my house for a 23% profit, I found my new home and it's perfect for me and my family."
Creating Communications
Are you sick and tired of the struggle to get the riches you desire and deserve?
The good news is that your struggle can stop now! This system is designed to remove the struggle and allow the flow of riches to come to you.
Do you want to be rich?
Did you feel some resistance to the term "rich"?
Do old thought patters of "filthy rich" or "stinking rich" pop up for you as they did for me before I learned the secret and the science behind amassing riches?
It's time to set yourself free by getting rich and ...
- Feeling GREAT about it!
- Being able to share your wealth with your loved ones
- Having the secrets to staying rich!

Years of frustration and struggle finally ended for good!
Here's what Tom Flynn has to say about the power of this program ...
Thanks to your coaching and this course ... I'm flying again!
"It has been an incredible journey with your coaching and this course. I feel the transformation getting stronger every day and the Riches are flowing with more momentum as I evolve.
For years I never understood why I would still struggle despite my many achievements: playing on a National Championship College Football Team, playing for the Dallas Cowboys, Graduating with a Law Degree and MBA at Notre Dame and landing the best job in my class on Wall Street. I can go on and on, but these all came to an end and seemed to never having staying power with me.
Now, thanks to your direction and this incredible course, I get it! I have had more opportunities arise and have taken more action in these past few weeks than I've had in years!
I can barely contain the excitement to KNOW, with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that my future is going to rock!!! The world needs to know about this course and YOU, Nancy!" ~ Tom Flynn, Commercial Real Estate
"When Nancy first told me about this program I was in dire straights. I wasn't sure where my next house payment was coming from, but I had faith in Nancy and she had faith in me.
I started the course and began to feel the shifts in the way I was relating to money, getting rich and my own value. With those shifts creativity opened up, new opportunities appeared that I hadn't even considered before and on day 26 a true miracle happened that put over $24,000 into my bank account!
Since that time I have continued to follow the principles, go through the exercises in the course regularly and have launched a new flourishing business. Thank you Nancy for creating this course and for having faith in me." ~ Christine O'Shea, Purium Int'l

Are You Now Ready to Claim Your Riches?
Can you find just 15 minutes a day for the next 30 days to get these kind of results?
[Excerpt from the course]
"This course [book] is pragmactical, not philosophical - a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for men and women whose most pressing need is for money, who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward. It is for those who want results..."
It's Time to Get Excited About Receiving YOUR Riches!
Feeling Inspired, Empowered and On Fire as You Get Rich By Adding Value for Others & Making a Difference
Here's How It Works...
Timeless & Proven Principles...

This book contains the principles found in Think and Grow Rich, The Secret and just about every success book ever written! We don't need to reinvent the wheel ... we just need to have a way to incorporate and implement these proven principles into our lives today!

A Simple System & Structure for Your Already Busy Life...

Our easy system fits with your hectic lifestyle. All you need to do is find 15 minutes a day to read and/or listen to the lesson.
Support & Accountability...

Direct access to ME! Text accountability each day to keep you on track and live group coaching calls to support you on a continuous basis to make this your lasting transformational turning point.

Ready ... Set ... Let's Get Started!
Here's What's Included In Your Receiving Your Riches System
- Entire Text of The Science of Getting Rich with EXCLUSIVE Additional Teachings from Nancy Matthews & Daily Reflections Journal (Value $97)
>Gain the wisdom from the original classic text and apply it to your life today!
- 7 Hours of Audio Recordings of The Entire Course (Value $97)
>Divided into 15 Minute Segments So You Can Easily Integrate & Incorporate the Principles without information overload!
- Daily Support to Keep You on Course (Value $250)
>Daily email reminders for the 30 day course and guided instructions for your reflections and insights
- Accountability - Text Messaging Directly with Nancy! (Value Priceless!)
>Text "Done" when you complete your daily exercise -- any time of the day or night!
- Private Facebook Group
>We're In This Together - Share your success, your challenges and your breakthroughs with like-minded and like-spirited people on the same journey!
- BONUS! Audio "Get Rich in 15 Minutes A Day!" (Value $27)
>Learn how to set yourself up for success and mastery to receive your riches
- BONUS! Audio "Claim Your New Year Now!" (Value $27)
>Clarify & Refine Your Vision and Your Goals for Accelerated Manifestation
The Total Value of This One of a Kind Course is $998
But you won't have to pay that much when you take action today.
I'm a Woman on a Mission to Share These Proven Principles With As Many People As Possible! Prosperity & Riches Are Yours for The Asking

- You deserve to have the riches and life you desire
- You have the power at your fingertips, but no one has empowered you with theses proven tools before -- and now is your time!
- I believe in a world filled with people loving their lives and supporting each other in extraordinary ways!
I want you to have this NOW so you can begin to enjoy the life and riches your desire and deserve just like the hundreds of people who've taken this course have been able to do
So I thought ...
"What if someone's life could be totally transformed in the next 30 days through this course, but a price tag of $500, $300 or even $200 kept them from being able to take action?"
I couldn't let that happen!
That's why I'm making this available to you today for less than you'd spend on your daily dose of Dunkin' Donuts! I've priced the course to eliminate all excuses so you can get started today!
So ... If You Are Someone
- Who is ready to receive MORE riches ...
- Who would love to have clients calling out of the blue to pay you for your services
- Wants to rid themselves of stress and struggle over money matters
- And who believes that they are destined for a bigger and better life of success, significance and financial freedom ...
Now IS Your Time and NOW Is The Time to Take Action
Consider this ...
You could choose to take action now and have the next 30 days bring you more delightful surprises, clients, opportunities and riches ...
- Or as Albert Einstein said,
"The purest form of insanity is to leave everything the same and at the same time hope that things will change."
Create Your Change Today!

I know that when you follow the guidelines set forth herein, and fully apply the Science, you will be able to look back at this time and say “It was this course, these principles and this science that finally freed me from financial restrictions and opened the space for me to have true prosperity and abundance in every area of my life.

Finally Break FREE From Stress & Struggle Over Money
Break Through & Increase Your Riches In 30 Days!
Receive Your Riches from Expected & Unexpected Places
Dr. Erica Goodstone,
“It's been amazing! Out of the blue I had 3 former clients from the 1990's call me for my services. Taking this course and applying the principles has opened up so many new opportunities for me. Thank you!“
Here's What You Get When You Order Today:
- Entire Text of The Science of Getting Rich PLUS Exclusive Additional Teaching from Nancy Matthews
- Daily Reflections Journal - with prompts to inspire your creativity and your riches
- 7 Hours of Audio Recordings of the Entire Course
- Text Support and Accountability Throughout the Program
- Private Facebook Group to Share Your Challenges & Your Triumphs!
Plus These Amazing Bonuses
- BONUS! Audio "Get Rich In Just 15 Minutes A Day!"
- BONUS! Audio "Claim Your New Year Now!
Over $1,000 Value
ONLY $95