Yesterday a friend asked, “Nancy, how do you do it all?” This came up after I shared what an amazing day I had working with current clients, making a sale to welcome a new client into our Illumination Mentoring & Mastermind program and another client who was on a payment plan for her program that decided to pay in full. It was a great day! The perfect combination of serving others by using my skills, gifts and talents AND depositing NEW MONEY into the bank!

At the end of this 12 hour day (a bit longer than usual), I felt energized, grateful and inspired. It didn’t feel at all like I had been “working” for 12 hours, but rather that I had been FULLY ALIVE for 12 hours.

My immediate answer at being asked, “How do you do it?” is that I begin each and every day with a morning ritual that fuels me throughout the day. This ritual is brief (sometimes as little as 5 or 10 minutes) and reminds me of WHO I really am, WHY I am here and WHERE my focus and energy should be directed.

This practice is what gives me strength, compassion, love and drive to be my best self as I go through the day and the variety of experiences I get to have.

Would you like a taste of this morning fuel?

I’ve created a 6 minute meditation that will have you feeling peaceful, purposeful and powerful.

CLICK HERE and enjoy!

Chakra Activation Meditation (6 minutes)

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