Our community suffered a great loss this week with the passing of Kathy Dedek. Our deepest sympathies and compassion go out to her family during this difficult time.
Where do I even begin to speak of this wonderful woman? I know I couldn’t possibly do her justice and invite each of you to share your memories of Kathy on the comment thread. In this moment I will share briefly about two of her many incredible qualities, ones that left an imprint on my heart as I know they did on others and will continue to do so with the legacy she created.
The first is LOVE. Kathy’s love for her daughter, Haley, and her husband, Bill, were the driving force of her life. She seized all opportunities to be with them and thoroughly enjoy their lives together. There was never a time when I was with Kathy that she didn’t beam with joy, pride and gratitude for the blessings of her amazing daughter and husband.
The second is ZEST. Kathy had a zest for life, for business, for growing, for dreaming and for blazing a trail for others to do the same. She never gave up on her dreams, and her energy and zest were contagious – when you were with Kathy you felt better just for having been in her presence. She was, as Wallace Wattles would say, “an advancing personality” and one of her favorite quotes was from Maya Angelou “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Kathy was truly the embodiment of that quote. She applied this philosophy to every area of her life and taught others to do the same through her business, Brilliant Technology Applied, her speaking engagements and contributions to several books; The Ultimate Success Secret, Allow Your Vision to Soar and Visionaries with Guts.
I have been in the process of revising Visionaries with Guts for release of a 2nd edition and offered Kathy the opportunity to update her chapter. I read it this morning and know that Kathy would be delighted to have me share it with you as her way of encouraging and inspiring you to use all of your senses and create a Magical life for yourself and everyone you encounter!
Please Note: This is Kathy’s story in its entirety and, while I was tempted to edit the chapter to delete her reference and appreciation for me and WPN, I left it as is because Kathy was in fact “The One” for me as well as so many others. I am merely a reflection of the amazing Visionary that is Kathy. She was “The One” that inspired me to not give up on my dreams, “The One” who believed in me and accepted my weaknesses as well as my strengths. “The One” who will always be remembered and honored for her unstoppable spirit, her loving heart and her zest for life!
CLICK HERE to read Kathy’s Chapter in the soon to be released 2nd Edition of Visionaries with Guts.