Everybody’s Talking …
But Who’s Really Listening?

Conversation Marketing

How to Create Conversations That Count!


As you’re well aware marketing has been given new life and direction through social media, mobile technology, blogging and internet marketing.  I refer to it as “Conversation Marketing.”The bottom line – people talking about you (in a good way) is one of the best ways to create new business.  In recent years conversation marketing has grown immensely and in order to maximize your marketing efforts, creating ways for your prospects to engage in conversation about you and your products and services is essential.The days of static one way marketing are going by the wayside and being in conversation has taken the lead as the primary way that people make their buying decisions.  TV Ads, Magazine and Newspaper ads, flyers and all the existing media outlets have had to shift the focus of their campaigns and their call to action to create engagement and conversation with their audience.  Notice now that all ads on TV direct people to websites and/or facebook pages.  Even the news shows – have twitter hash tags, Facebook pages and conversations happening during the live shows to increase audience participation and interest.Fortunately, there are lots of ways you can create opportunities to engage in conversation with your clients and prospects.  For example:

    • Do you have a blog that includes the opportunity for people to post comments?
    • Are you engaged in Social Media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)?  Note:  Engaged means you actually participate in discussions, posting comments on other people’s discussion threads, posting interesting information in your status feed?
    • Does your website offer a free gift to people who come to your site? Allowing you to continue the conversation when they give you their name and email in exchange for your free gift.
    • Are you sharing your expertise (by way of conversation) on tele-classes, internet radio shows, public speaking, etc?
    • Do you send a regular newsletter or email campaign providing topics of interest to your market?

Once you recognize the plentiful opportunities there are to engage in conversations with your clients and prospects, the next questions that arise are:

    • How do I maximize my conversations (both in person and in print)?
    • How do I convert those conversations to cash?
    • How can I be sure my conversations are being heard by the right people?

In this tele-class on I answer all of those questions in detail.  I even offer some great tips on sales conversations and how to create copy in email campaigns that will support you in having powerful and profitable conversations.  During this class I’ll show you how to:

    • Engage and entice people to want to know more about you
    • Educate and entertain to peak interest
    • Embrace and employ the best strategies to have your conversations heard by the right audience
Stop wasting your breath, your words and your time and get in the right conversation!

Conversation Marketing:

How to Create Conversations That Count!


As a Speaker, Author and Business Advisor, Nancy Matthews combines her 25 years of business savvy and creative ingenuity with her intuitive understanding of people.  She engages and entertains audiences while providing practical solutions to their daily life and business challenges.  She is known as the “Visionary with Guts” for her persistence in going for her goals and dreams despite apparent obstacles or challenges.  She spent 20 years as an ‘Intrapreneur’ developing other people’s businesses and in 2002 found the “Guts” to go into business for herself.  Since that time she has owned and operated several successful businesses and now shares the proven principles and practices that bring extraordinary results.

In addition to her speaking engagements and coaching programs, Nancy is the CEO and Founder of www.WomensProsperityNetwork.com and serves on the Board of Directors of Glorious Being (501)(c)(3).  Contact:  Nancy@NancyMatthews.com (800) 928-6928